Friday, May 25, 2012

"Going to the Chapel..."

...and we're... gonna elope!"  Huh?  I don't remember those lyrics.  Well, either way, that's exactly what I've been called to do: put together a dessert reception for the eloped couple.  Tonight, we head to the park and I'll be bringing the 200 cupcakes.  Yes, I said 200 and, before I go any further, much credit is due my hot baking assistant for getting this order started and baking over 90% of them.  And these aren't your cheap, ordinary cupcakes made from boxed ingredients and store-bought frosting (usually with cheap sweetener like high fructose corn syrup).  I'm not trying to get all healthy on you; in fact, these are far from healthy.  They're only good.  No, as my wife would say, these are "Dang, Gina!" good.

Ever wondered what 200 cupcakes look like?

Yup, there they are.  Actually there are 226, but who's counting?  Ten batches of cake, 11 sticks of butter, 12 pounds of powdered sugar, 3lb of cream cheese...these are just a few of the numerous ingredients.  I can't wait for the party to taste them.

Not only do they look fabulous, they taste even better.  Go big or go home.  I'm not saying they're perfect - they aren't - but they'll keep getting better as long as I'm baking them.

"So what did they order" you ask?  Carrot (who wouldn't?), Chocolate, and Yellow cupcakes.  Each are decorated to display their flavor proudly.  The theme color of the reception is lavender so each cupcake has a lavender butter-cream center filling.  The Yellow cake is then topped with the same butter-cream (unfortunately appears darker in the picture) while the carrot and chocolate cake receive the luscious favorite: cream cheese frosting.  Carrots are individually piped and chocolate receives its natural Hershey shavings.

Thanks to all who've been following and faithfully returning for their dessert needs.  Make your guests rave at your next event or just enjoy smiles with your family and friends after supper.  Some even say leftover cake makes for great breakfast. ;-)  You know who you are.


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